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The Oxford Thesaurus An A-Z Dictionary of Synonyms - plebeianadj.


Связанные словари


1) proletarian, working-class, blue-collar, low-class, lower-class, lowly, low-born, common, mean, humble, inferior, peasant-like, Colloq non-U: What would you expect from someone with such a plebeian background? 2 unrefined, coarse, vulgar, ignoble, lowbrow, unpolished, uncouth, crass, brutish, gauche, provincial, rustic, popular, commonplace, undistinguished: The entertainment caters to the most plebeian tastes. --n. 3) proletarian, common man or woman, commoner, man or woman in the street, (any or every) Tom, Dick, or Harry, Brit man or woman on the Clapham omnibus, Colloq pleb, prole: This art exhibition is not going to mean very much to the plebeians.
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